
Showing posts from November, 2017


The smell of fresh paint lingered in the air and it brought a smile on the face of a girl, who stood amidst the vacant room. This girl was twenty-five and her name was Radhika. The smile didn't radiate smugness. Instead, it represented ruefulness and sorrow mixed with peace. She walked over to a window from where the sun rays slanted in and poured on the linoleum floor. The view of the Mumbai city was exhilarating. 'How is it?' asked another girl, who was standing by the door with her arm crossed in front of her chest, smiling a proud smile. Her name was Sara, she was twenty-six. 'It is brilliant,' intoned Radhika, 'I just love it!' Her voice echoed across the hall. 'I knew you'll love it, ' said Sara, 'that's why I got it all repainted.' She began walking into the hall toward the window where Radhika stood. 'I don't know how to thank you and your dad.' Sara snorted. 'Don't you worry about

What is Parody Post?

As this is my first post, I'll be writing about the reasons why I started this blog. The answer is pretty simple. To make money. Hehe. Yeah, I can already visualize thousand of people rolling their eyes over my crass sense of humor. Sorry about that. So, I'll like to make few things clear. Parody Post is a serious blog, and its domain name is nothing but its author's poor attempt at irony.  We'll be discussing serious topics--about art and literature, terrorism and why Donald Trump is beardless Santa Claus of doom. So with that being said, let's rock and roll. We live in an era of nerds. Yes, you read it right. There is no need to recoil. Marvel's movies are making billions of dollars.  Shows like Game of Thrones and Strangers Things are ruling the hearts of people from different walks of life. Stephen King's adaptations are streaming out cinema houses. So, yeah. I rest my case. But what does era of nerds actually mean? Well, it means the era of awesom